Getting started on Azure Notebooks


  1. Create an account on Azure notebook. Note that your account can be ephemeris if you are not willing to adhere to Microsoft technical tools.
  2. Once you have an Azure notebook account you will have access to a space called Libraries as shown in the following figure.

2. There add a new Project choosing the option Upload Github Repo. The objective for us is to retrieve the data collections that we will use on our hands-on exercises.

  • The address is javieraespinosa/ml-studios
  • Give a name to your library and to your work space by filling the formulary.
  • Tick also on recursively create option.

3. Once your project has been created, create a new document. We are using a « notebook” where we will give code on Python 3.6. So create a notebook for Python 3.6 by choosing from the proposed pop up formulary.

4. Click on the recently created notebook. Azure will run a Jupyter environment that will run your notebook.

5. Go back to the hands on page and start. Note that for the first exercise you must start on Section 4 and follow instructions because you are using Azure Notebooks.Open publish panel