Karina Gibert

KARINA GIBERT is a Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Degree and PhD in Computer Engineering with specialisations in Computational Statistics and Artificial Intelligence. Postgraduate in University Teaching. Head of the research centre in Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IDEAl) (feb 2021-). Expert of the Catalonia.AI governmental strategy (Oct 2018-) writing the Catalan AI Strategy (Gencat, approved on 02/28/2020). Vice-Dean of Presidency for equality and ethics of the Official Professional College of Computer Engineering of Catalonia (COEINF) (June 2020-) and former Vice-Dean of Big Data, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (2017-2020-). Founder of the COEINF Gender Commission for the Gender Gap in Computer Engineering (May 2018-), member of the Intercollegiate Gender Commission (2019-) and other gender commissions. Elected board member of the Intl Environmental Modeling and Software Society (IEMS, from July 2016). Advisor to the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence of the European Commission (September 2019-) on Artificial Intelligence ethics and to the Spanish Senate. Consultant to the WHO Department of Mental Health February 2008- Aug 2010 for the conceptualisation of mental health systems in Lamic at countries. Director of the INSESS-COVID19 project to discover the impact of COVID19 on social vulnerabilities. Scientific director of the TopSecretRosies project. Researcher on the AI4EU, Gavius, GasTurbines (with Siemens) projects. Very active in research and scientific production and with long experience in the social use of technology in areas such as health, welfare, environment, and sustainability.

Awards and distinctions: Finalist of European Social Services Awards 2021 for the INSESS-COVID19 project. Honourable Mention in the Creu Casas Award, womens to change the world, Institute of Catalan Studies 2021. donaTIC (WomenTIC) 2018 Award in the academic/researcher category (Gencat, December 2018). HackingBullipedia Award (Nov 2013), related to the famous chef Ferran Adrià, with the project GENESIS: Intelligent decision support for creative through Evolutive analysis, vimeo.com/78143348. Award for the best European eHealth project in the EU to the K4Care project (February 2010) for the high-quality standards achieved. HARPS 2010 v8: 28 highly accessed paper distinction. Elected Fellow of IEMS (July 2007)