Florence Sedes

I am a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Sciences, Toulouse 3, in the research area of data science. I have been active in database and information system research since my PhD in 1987. I have published over one hundred papers, books and book chapters since 2000 and advised more than 30 PhD. I have been leading international, European and national projects on personal (meta)data privacy and management, CCTV and forensic, IoT and security, geospatial and indoor/outdoor data, and social networks, with applications via deep/machine learning for alert, spam and rumors detection, social emotion and interaction,…

My research interests include modelling, developing, evaluating, and characterizing (big) data systems and techniques from both problem-driven and technique-driven perspectives.
I have been heavily involved in designing data sets and platforms in order to enable assessment of the various contributions, software and systems of our community.

  • https://www.scoop.it/topic/femmes-informatique
  • https://expertes.fr/expertes/66627-florence-sèdes
  • https://request500womenscientists.org
  • https://www.le24heures.fr/2020/02/11/podcast-les-femmes-sous-representees-dans-lunivers-des-sciences/

Femme Cyber Chercheuse !!!  #EuropeanCyberWomanDay : https://cyberwomenday-cefcys.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/liste_FR_VF.pdf

I head the french IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) committee. I founded the “femmes&Informatique” initiative of the French Informatics Society, and the WIE French chapter of IEEE. I have been nominated to the National Council of Universities by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.