1. Introduction
ENSE 3 Smart-* programs: [PDF] YouTube session-1 YouTube-session-2
EGI Industry 4.0 program Smart Analytics Course: [PDF] YouTube-session
- Data centric sciences: Principles and common aspects
- Digital data collections: Characteristics and properties
- Data science: Big data, data analytics algorithms & tools
2. Designing experiments
ENSE 3 Smart-* programs: [PDF] [PDF] YouTube session-1 YouTube session-2
EGI Industry 4.0 program Smart Analytics Course: [PDF] YouTube session
- Data collections life cycle
- Persistence: archiving vs managing
- FAIR and CARE properties
- Human in the loop
- Architectural settings: From in house to large scale experiments
3. Data preparation
- Exploring and preparing data collections for building corpora
- Data Quality: bias & responsibility
- Understanding datasets
- Statistical method
- Machine learning method
4. Modelling knowledge
- Graphs for representing and understanding content
- Exploring graphs [PDF]
5. Predicting knowledge