Debate on data sharding


– Hands – on Sharding with MongoDB


Consider that you must develop a “vademecum” for helping decision making processes related to data sharding using MongoDB. Use the following questions to interact with the members of your group to develop a set of hints that would contain your vademecum.

  • What is a sharding key? Is the choice of a sharding key directly dependent of the sharding strategy? Explain and give examples.
  • Explain how does apparently MongoDB chooses the number of intervals used to shard a collection in the Interval oriented strategy? In which situations would such a strategy be well adapted for sharding a collection?
  • In which situations would the hash-based strategy be interesting for a collection to be shared?
  • Which of the strategies interval or sharding would lead to a more balanced distribution of data across shards, interval or hash?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing access to shards directly through their server and not only through the query router?
  • Give an example of a situation where tag-based sharding would be an interesting option?
  • What happens when a new shard is added to a cluster containing already other shards with data?
  • How would you test whether a sharded collection was an interesting solution in comparison to a centralized one?


  • –  Prepare a document/slides summarizing your examples and discussion results.
  • –  Choose a spokesperson of the group who will present your conclusions to the group.
  • –  Hand in your document/slides to