Introduction to modern needs and solutions for managing data 
2.1 NoSQL Trends
2.2 Overview of models and families
2H00 – GVS 
session 1  21/05
Document Databases: MongoDB (Theory & Practice)
2.1 Principles and Data Models
2.2 MongoDB creating and querying document databases: hands-on
2.3 Scaling up and distributed solutions: hands-on ATLAS/debate
5H – GVS
session 1 21/05 &
session 2 22/05   
Graph Databases 
3.1. Principles and Data Models 
3.1.1 Operations on graphs
3.1.2 Wrap up & Debate 
3H – GVS
session 3 28/05
3.2. Graph-Based Data Management SystemsNeo4J
3.2.1 Creation (hands-on)
3.2.2 Querying: Cypher (hands-on)
3H – KB
session 4 04/06
3.3. RDF based databases and SPARQL 
3.3.1 Wikidata and Wikipedia (hands-on)
3.3.2 Querying with SPARQL (hands-on)
3H – KB
session 5 11/06 
Data Science based exploration 4H -GVS
session 6 12/06
4.1 DS on graphs: algorithms 
4.2.  General principle of DS with Neo4J 
4.3. Classic DS operations on graphs with Neo4J 
4.4. AI operations: link discovery on graphs