The project will address the design and construction of a data lake for gathering and integrating (meta)data about data-driven experiments in life and earth sciences

Objective 1 (O1): Design and implement a data Lake of harvested data, models, and knowledge. Various Life and Earth sciences data have been acquired from different sources. Integrated access to data collections and curated versions can promote their maintenance, analysis and experimentation. It can also show the knowledge of the discipline with its vocabulary, concepts, and relations in a synthetic manner.

Objective 2 (O2): Curating, maintaining, and exploring data collections in the data lake. Propose techniques to explore data collections that can be explored and enriched while new data and analytics results are produced. Data curation also means keeping track of the type of experiments run on data, their results, and the conditions in which they were performed. Maintaining a catalogue of data-related questions and experiments can promote open science and share data and the knowledge that the scientific community has derived from it.