Olympic Data Odyssey: Unlocking the Potential of Game-Changing Information Management


The committee of the next Olympic Games requires to manage the data about the games and make it accessible to different types of users so that they can follow the contests of the different disciplines, the athletes information and results, and the evolution of the games. Therefore, a database for managing Olympic Games information is considered. Several assumptions are made to simplify the problem and consider only a small subset of information:

  • Only individual sports are considered.
  • Only delegations from different countries and athletes are considered.

The information administered is as follows:

  1. COUNTRY: name, number of participants, number of medals.
  2. ATHLETE: registration number, name, surname, gender, country, discipline, event.
  3. DISCIPLINE: identifier, name (e.g., 400M free swim), discipline (e.g., swimming).
  4. EVENT: identifier, discipline, date, place, number of athletes entered, nature (heat, final). For each discipline there are several heats for a single final.
  5. RANKING: athlete, event, rank (e.g., 1, 2, …).
  6. RESULT: discipline, gold medal athlete’s registration, silver medal athlete’s registration, bronze medal athlete’s registration.


Activities to do

The course content is organised along 5 activities

Activity 1: Designing and implementing a relational database (Data Definition Language) – 29/12/2023

Activity 2: Designing an extraction, loading and transformation strategy (Data Manipulation Language) 06/12/2023 – 13/12/2023

Activity 3: Give me your queries and I will model your database 13/12/2023- 20/12/2023 

Activity 4: Managing the database with guaranties (Designing transactions and managing access control) 20/12/2023 – 22/12/2023

Activity 5: Designing a database application 19/01/2024