Activity 5: Designing a database application 19/01/2024

Objective: The research question to answer is which are the technical considerations to build a database application by interacting with the DBMS? Which are the aspects delegated to the application and those externalised to the DBMS?

Theory background [PDF

  • Host language
  • Impedance mismatch
  • Externalisation to the cloud and architectural considerations


  • Implement a module for connecting to your database in the DBMS and start your database application showing the main menu
  • Implement the menus for each user type with the given options according to his/her access and operation grants connect them to the modules that you already have implemented in activities 3 and 4.
  • Define testing scenarios for users with CRUD operations according to their type
  • Prepare a video explaining the functions and guarantees ensured by your application
  • Prepare the documents: architectural, technical specification, installation instructions including the definition of the DB, population, queries, and application


  • Testing scenarios (code and video/demo) – 26/01/2024
  • Architectural, technical specification, installation instructions including the definition of the DB, population, queries, and application  (document/readme) 26/01/2024