Analyzing the technological gap: exploiting the Neubot data set



You have access to new releases of the Neubot collection including countries in different regions of the world. A user would like to explore these releases to determine which are the regions available and ask queries that could let her understand the technological gap in the different regions of the world and at different grains (city, region, country). In her analysis, the technology gap would be defined as:

(1) the connections speed to which people have access in different infrastructures;

(2) the availability of different Internet providers;

(3) the balanced access to bandwidth at different moments in the day.

The analyst has contacted your group to ask you to design a data science solution that can provide comprehensive views of the data to compare the gaps, and eventually classify cities, regions and countries according to the “size” of the gap. Thereby she will be able to group together similar cities/regions, compare statistical views of the data, and evaluate the type of service of the Internet providers present in their regions.