MongoDB – Environment

We will perform some practical activities to observe through concrete examples the characteristics of cluster-based (big) data stores. The examples will be performed on top of cloud solutions that provide IaaS and PaaS services that externalise the execution of data store servers.

Here are the instructions for preparing the working environment:

  • Configure a MongoDB cluster on ATLAS. Follow instructions here.
  • Install a local client on your machine (personal computer). You can choose an open source client Robot 3 Hobbist GUI or the MongoDB solution Compass (recommended)
    • The instructions for configuring Robot 3 and connecting it to your ATLAS Cluster are here
    • The instructions for connecting Compas to our ATLAS Cluster are here
  • Data to be used for populating a document database can be downloaded here
  • Populate a MongoDB database with the data. Instructions for populating the database from ATLAS, Robot3 and Compass here