Wellbeing in the class

The well-being in class is collective, and it depends on the following expectations:

  • Students and professors will pay attention when a person is speaking and/or asking and answering questions. 
  • Silence is important because it allows people to concentrate and listen to the instructions and speeches of the professor and/or colleagues.
  • Connected devices and access to the Internet are allowed and encouraged for surfing and searching for information about the course content and disseminating the session’s milestones on social networks. Other activities like personal affairs chatting, taking phone calls, loud device ringing, or going in/out of the classroom are not welcome.
  • Students should feel free and comfortable asking questions and commenting on class topics. Disrespectful comments or attitudes are not acceptable.
  • For mental and physical health reasons, the 8 hours will be divided into reasonable time slots according to the type of activity to allow people to have free moments to rest.

Diversity and Inclusion Disclaimer

This course will support Diversity & Inclusion; therefore, I will promote inclusive content in reports and presentations. Inclusive and diverse range include gender, race, different abled characteristics, and social and economic aspects.

++ Inclusion and diversity in writing 

++ tips for designing inclusive presentations