Getting started (Individual work)
Getting acquainted with graph stores querying.
- Neo4J server installed locally (download):
- Cypher manual:
Prefered beacause more practical
- Use Aura Neo4J on cloud:
- Follow instructions. Attention keep the automatically generated password safe (!!)
Creating a graph base: Students
CREATE (s1: Student {studentID: "1", lastName: "Doe", firstName: "Ana", middleName: "Maria"})
CREATE (s2: Student {studentID: "2", lastName: "Ung", firstName: "Peter", middleName: "John"})
CREATE (s3: Student {studentID: "3", lastName: "Doe", firstName: "John"})
CREATE (s4: Student {studentID: "4", lastName: "Berre", firstName: "Stine"})
CREATE (s5: Student {studentID: "5", lastName: "Travolta", firstName: "John"})
CREATE (c1: Course {courseNr: "1", courseName: "Databases"})
CREATE (c2: Course {courseNr: "2", courseName: "Programming"})
CREATE (c3: Course {courseNr: "3", courseName: "Graphics"})
CREATE (p1: Project {projectNr: "34", projectName: "eCommerce database"})
CREATE (p2: Project {projectNr: "24", projectName: "eCommerce website"})
CREATE (p3: Project {projectNr: "13", projectName: "User interface"})
CREATE (p4: Project {projectNr: "26", projectName: "Reporting"})
CREATE (r1: Room {roomName: "Pascal"})
CREATE (r2: Room {roomName: "Seminar C"})
CREATE (r3: Room {roomName: "Alpha"})
CREATE (r4: Room {roomName: "Beta"})
CREATE (c1) – [:TAKESPLACEIN] –> (r1)
CREATE (c1) – [:TAKESPLACEIN] –> (r3)
CREATE (c1) – [:TAKESPLACEIN] –> (r4)
CREATE (c2) – [:TAKESPLACEIN] –> (r2)
CREATE (s1) – [:ENROLLEDIN] –> (c1)
CREATE (s2) – [:ENROLLEDIN] –> (c1)
CREATE (s3) – [:ENROLLEDIN] –> (c2)
CREATE (s4) – [:ENROLLEDIN] –> (c1)
CREATE (s1) – [:WORKSON {hours: "1"} ] –> (p1)
CREATE (s1) – [:WORKSON {hours: "2"} ] –> (p2)
CREATE (s2) – [:WORKSON {hours: "3"} ] –> (p1)
CREATE (s2) – [:WORKSON {hours: "4"} ] –> (p2)
CREATE (s2) – [:WORKSON {hours: "1"} ] –> (p3)
CREATE (s2) – [:WORKSON {hours: "1"} ] –> (p4)
CREATE (s3) – [:WORKSON {hours: "1"} ] –> (p1)
CREATE (s3) – [:WORKSON {hours: "2"} ] –> (p2)
CREATE (s3) – [:WORKSON {hours: "3"} ] –> (p4)
ToDo and ToTest
Write the following queries in Cypher (have a try with ChatGPT), explain the expression and give a screen copy of the result by run the queries on Neo4J. In your report include the quesion in natural language, the expression Cypher, the explanation (indicate if produced by ChatGPT) and the screen copy of the result. Name your report as BDE-<lastname>-neo4J-init and upload it on e-Campus.
- Which are the names of the available rooms?
- Which are the names of the current projects?
- In which room does courses labelled with number “1” take place? Retrieve the course name and the names of the rooms in which the course takes place.
- How many hours and in which projects does student with student number “1” works on? Retrieve the first name of the student, the project the student works on, and the corresponding number of hours worked on the project.
- Which students and how many hours do they work on the project with project number “24”? Retrieve the project name, the last name of the student and the corresponding number of hours worked on the project.
- Which students work in which projects and how many hours? Retrieve the last name of the students, the name of the projects they work on, and the corresponding number of hours. Order the results by the last name of the students. Limit the results to four.
- Which students work on more than two projects and on how many projects exactly? Retrieve the last name of the students and the corresponding number of projects. Order the results by the number of projects.
- Which students have the same last name and work on the same projects? Retrieve the first name of the students and the name of projects they share.